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Is your pup shy? Has some socialization issues? Never been in a daycare setting surrounded by other pups? Well, we have a special section just for them! We start your pup off with only a few other dogs to socialize with until your pup gradually starts getting comfortable with time and consistency. 


With 3 spacious play areas to run and play, your pup is going to have the time of their life being able to get all their energy out!


One play section is for small pups and the other 2 sections are for large pups. Medium sized pups that like to play with bigger dogs and play a little more involved will be put in the large pup section. 


We have somewhere for everyone's needs!


Play Time:

9am-12pm and 2pm-6pm, these are hours filled with energy draining fun! Weather permitting each play group will have plenty of outdoor fun!


Down time:

12pm to 2pm, pups will have the time to wind down from an exciting, playful morning and relax/sleep with supervision. During this period of time, PupVille is

closed and reopens at 2pm.


➤ All dogs must be current on their rabies and kennel cough vaccines.

➤ Must have proof of a negative fecal test.

➤ No females in heat.

➤ Intact males are allowed up until 12 months of age, they would need to be        neutered after that.

PupVille Meals!

Add a delicious treat to your dog’s day with our meal options! Offering warm & cold options.

Hamburger Deluxe

A warm and juicy hamburger patty for our bigger doggy friends! (4oz of yummy goodness) $4

Frozen Organic Peanut Butter Kongs

For those hot summer days or for those pups that need to sit back and relax for a little. These frozen PB kongs are the best! Dog tested and dog approved! $2

Frozen Organic Beef Bone Broth Kongs

Another delicious treat for our four-legged friends! Made with organic BEEF bone broth. Beneficial to all dog diets! $3 ​

Enrichment Program!

Sign up for our

Interactive Enrichment Program!

Offering 60 minutes of 1 on 1 stimulation for your pup!


A full hour of spontaneous fun with one of our dedicated staff attendants! $15


In this program, your pup will enjoy:


15 mins of frisbee and fetch


15 mins of outside time (water fun in the pool/catching the water from the hose or snow fun catching snow balls, making snow angels!)


15 mins of chase and catch with tug o war


and lastly,


15 mins of unwinding with a puzzle treat game and of course cuddles!

Check out our Facebook page for daily picture/video updates on your pup!

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Monday - Friday (7am - 6pm) 


$35/day per dog 

$21/Additional dog 
(No more than 2 additional pups per family at the discount rate)

$22/Half day (4 hours and under)


($7 fee will apply every 10 mins for dog's picked up after 6pm)



Pup Passes

(Passes must be prepaid)



3 sessions $99 


5 sessions $165


10 sessions $320


20 sessions $630



There will be a service fee if paying by credit card for transactions of $400 and over


There is a $2 fee for each time any medications are needed to be given for pups.




Please kindly give 24 hour notice for daycare reservations/cancellations 

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